Sunday, April 26, 2009


Ok all you twilight fans!! I just got sucked into these books (not even done yet) and Shane has been complaining that all I do is read. So I made this shirt for him. If you want one for your hubby or anyone else...go here and support my design!! jennybar2's" Gallery at Zazzle (you can have it put on anything. not just a guys shirt)

Busy fun Saturday

First Shane and I helped Mike brand his cows he bought. I was the entertainment for that morning. That orange cow had my number! I wish I could upload the video but my internet is too slow. Then we drove to lake channel near american falls to play in the sand with Shawn. When we got there Shawn had already broken something so we helped him with his truck then Shane got a little carried away with our FJ. I couldnt look half the time. But got some ok pics that a guy would be proud of.